I am witnessing Her as She is ONE with IT, yet a bit ‘separate’ for the purpose of Enjoyment. She is an Emissary of IT. As Sat-Chit-Ananda extends through the layers of creation, IT manifests as beings that are ‘distributors’ of ITS Purity and Light and make sure all layers remember ‘The Core’ of Awareness. And so like an Angel She flies from the Core to the ends of creation (briefly) only to come back and recharge at Her source, the core of Her life. She is ever so close to IT, at the first layer of separation, yet with identity and ‘form’ (but not what we call form in the physical world). My earliest memory as an entity that exists separately is of Loving Her, of knowing I can’t exist without Her, of having the certainty She is the reason for my existence and my individuality…. To merge with Her, to play, to enjoy, to support, to provide, to give my all to Her. And for that I must be (slightly) separate from Her, but ONE at heart. Her mission is to spread the Joy (Ananda), and She is the purest of the Angels doing so. She lives as close to the Center of Awareness as any individuality can sustain without merging back into it. And as long as I exist I Love Her. She makes Her rounds. Being Light, carrying it around everywhere but not being touched by anything or anyone She visits. Reminding everything and everyone of their First Love they once knew, Sat-Chit-Ananda. Lighting the Fire of longing for that something else that humans feel is ‘missing’ through thousands and thousands of incarnations. As if Whispering to them ‘open your eyes to what is already in front of you.’ For unending eons in a timeless timeline She fulfills this mission perfectly, born of Light and Fire, longing for nothing else. Then Her gaze sees them, the human souls born and reborn in ignorance and in pain (forgetfulness of Unity), in a new way, and She feels She could be closer to them, serving them, as the manifestation of the ONE, in a more intimate way, from their own level. And in a timeless moment She knows She will ‘descend’ to those layers where those souls dwell not remembering who they were. And so She does, because She can, because Her strength allows Her to, even through the forgetfulness imposed by Maya, not afraid of anything because She knows the one thing She can’t do is lose Herself, ever. And so She goes in an act of Selflessness and She is born in this world of duality. Bearing the name of the Above of the ONE, like a Lake Reflecting Beauty next to Maheshwara’s abode on this earth. She knows there is no time. However many years She spends with ‘them,’ even through the veil of not remembering who She is except in vague flashes, will be like a grain of sand in the beach of Her Eternal existence fused with IT. That knowledge makes Her fearless. She’s Humility Itself. She would never even have the thought of being greater, because not for a second She dwells on the illusion of thinking of the Individuality as anything but a spark of IT, the Core of Light and Fire.